A few weeks back this awesome lesson was given in church by my Bishop and Brother Welch in my ward. (We belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.) The letter written below was written from an individual who had struggled with overcoming pornography. I was impressed with the principles shared and think that the council is wisdom for any addiction and/or incorrect habit that someone may be fighting to break/overcome.
The following letter was written from a person who had a pornography problem and was able to overcome this problem so as to serve a mission. He gave [Bishop Lifferth] this letter in hopes to help other people who have this problem to give them HOPE and council.The picture above is pretty significant. Spent some time in Zions on Monday and it was overcast the whole day. It was not until we were packing up to leave the park around 7pm that the light broke through and finally hit a few of the peaks. It only lasted about six or so mins, but as you can tell, it was breathtaking to see the peaks illuminated. I feel the same occurs with the addictions and weaknesses we struggle with in our lives. EVENTUALLY the "light" will come! I believe if one does all they can do, pleading and working out their struggles with the Lord--they will eventually have a "break through" in their efforts to overcome the "drug" of whatever magnitude... and their life can/will be filled with light--HIS light.
I keep having this thought going through my head that I should write to you about my experience with pornography, you may share this with whomever you wish, I just hope that my experience can help others find happiness in their lives.
It doesn’t matter how you start looking at pornography, because in the end it always leads to the same addictive result. The first step I had to take in battling pornography is realizing the damage that it does. Initially I rationalized looking at pornography by thinking that it would only hurt myself, and even then it is not hurting myself because my body is programmed to work this way. But then I began to think about my relationships before I began looking at pornography, and realized how my perceptions had changed about everyone I see. I no longer looked at people thinking of them as people, I only saw them as objects. This is not just demeaning to others, but it damages yourself, because you have crippled yourself emotionally. This emotional crippling hinders everyone around you. You become defensive all the time, your mind will continually jump to the wrong conclusions about people, and you will constantly see sexuality in everything and everyone. ONce I came to the conclusion that pornography was harmful, only then could I move on to the next step which was abandoning it.
Abandoning pornography is like abandoning a drug. It seems like the more you stop looking the more you crave it. But I promise that you can overcome the intense urges that come. Many people will tell you that if you picture someone you love in your mind while these urges come that it will help you fight the urge. I tried this and it didn’t work for me personally, I also tried humming my favorite hymn but that was to no avail, I even tried running away, but when I got back form the run I was still confronted with the same problem I was at before. The only way that I found to overcome this immense evil which had control over my life was to look at my life from an eternal perspective. I had to sit down and weigh out all that I wanted in my life and see if pornography was what I wanted. After I came to the conclusion that the only way that I could attain what I wanted in life was to rid myself of the controlling power of pornography, I began to start winning the battles over the urges. It began slow, and I lost the battle the first several times, but I began to feel a sense of self control. I finally began to control the urges, when this happens you will find a great amount of self confidence, and you will find that you will gain more and more control over yourself.
It is important to know that you will not win every time you have an urge to look at pornography. But one set back does not have to end in defeat, the real test of self comes form falling down and picking yourself back up.
Once you do have your first victories over pornography you may feel as I did and think that the problem is getting worse and that the urges are intensifying, this only shows that the great adversary, Satan himself, is trying is hardest to stop you from progressing. When this does occur I hope with all my heart that you will press on, and continue focusing on what you truly want from this mortal experience and continue towards that goal.
I testify to you that this evil does not need to persist. You have the power to stop it, you are a child of our almighty god and can draw on his infinite strength. I know this to be true, I know that the power of the atonement can save you and make you whole again. You have only to reach out to the savior, our brother, Jesus Christ and he will be there to help you out of the treacherous grasp of pornography. I know that this may seem lie an insurmountable task to accomplish, but you are never alone, call on your savior, use the atonement to purify your life, you will find no joy in pornography, joy can only be found in living a life in accordance to the plan of salvation. My dear brother or sister, I write this to you as if I were with you in person but I am not, but I want you to know that a multitude of blessings and outpouring of the spirit await you with open arms at the end of this trial. I promise you that if you will try to rid yourself of this evil you will gain happiness and find a greater depth to the gospel, I hope that these words will help you in your trials, and I leave this as a testament that there is hope, and there is forgiveness through our everlasting redeemer, even our savior and brother Jesus Christ.