Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Of all the wishes in the world...

When I was a little girl, I enjoyed finding a dandelion, making a wish and watching all the little white floaties fly away. Dad then lovingly taught me (no doubt after watching me do this to a handful of ones growing in our yard) that these beautiful little white puff balls that I enjoyed blowing away, would plant little seeds in the grass... and as a result, the next year I would have even more "yellow" weeds to try and dig out of the grass.) WELL, I am not a lover of weeding, so that conversation stopped me from picking on/blowing on a dandelion while in a residential area! :D

With the picture above, when I first went to crop it, I focused on the dandelion right in the center. Full, and no "wasted" seeds missing for my wishes.  But it is actually the dandelion to the right that strikes a cord with me this morning. The last week or so, I have been contemplating on my life and not only what I am doing but who I am. This contemplation has been brought on because of some dates I have gone on, comments made by strangers and loved ones, and also the fact that this year I turn 30... needless to say my life has not really gone in the direction I thought it would. 10 years ago, I was focused on marriage and all the wonderful things that would bring... God took those "blown" wishes and turned them into a mission. Never have I been so grateful that my "Fairy God Father" knew perfectly what He was doing with my wishes. He blew them in a direction I had never dreamed of NOR wanted (at the time). And how those seeds have grown and become beauitful to me!

After the mission, I was "blown" into school and a path I was not interested in. Again the wishes for something I thought that would be good for me, but oh how God knew better. He always knows what is best...! The callings, the associations of those that have come into my life as a result of those callings, the trials, the tests, the sorrows and the joys... Michael McLean's lyrics state what is in my heart this morning...

God knew/knows where He was/is directing the seeds/paths of/in my life. How thankful I am for His kindness and long-suffering with me. My life is not where I dreamed/wished it to be--IT'S BETTER! (!!!)  And I see His hand daily.

All I ever wanted,              
all I ever dreamed of,                   
everything I hoped and              
all the things I prayed for,       

     Couldn't hold a candle to what I've been given! 
Because I have been given much, I too must give;
Because of thy great bounty, Lord, each day I live
I shall divide my gifts with thee With ev'ry brother that I see
Who has the need of help from me.
Because I have been blessed by thy great love, dear Lord,
I'll share they love again, according to thy word.
I shall give love to those in need; I'll show that love by word and deed:
Thus shall my thanks be thanks indeed.
               --Text: Grace Noll Crowell

The gospel of Jesus Christ, the atonement, a way to repent and become better, time to prepare to meet God--to work out salvation. And all those "wishes" I blew out, He has sent me countless seeds of blessings back on my path and has literally littered my way with His workings, His love and His angels. My heart is full.

I couldn't hold a candle, to what I have been given!  I too must give.