Monday, June 10, 2013


For whatever reason, Mr. Doogies takes getting dressed for Sunday very seriously. He carefully button's up his shirt which is usually re-buttoned with love by his mom or aunt!  I have to admit, he dresses for Church with a reverence and in a way I have never witnessed a child do. I really think it is because his heart knows whom he is dressing for!

Yesterday as sacrament was being passed I whispered to Doogies asking him what his favorite story of Jesus was. He didn't give me any indication he had an answer. Wanting to encourage his sacrament thoughts, I mentioned, "Like when Jesus feeds all the people with the bread and fishes..." Without skipping a beat, he whispered, "I like when He prayed so hard-he bleeded." A little shocked by his answer I asked, "You like when Jesus was in Gethsemane?" Doogs replied, "Yes--when He prayed so hard--He bleeded."

What a beautiful four year old profound interpretation/observation.

Thanks for my sacrament focus Mr. Doogies.  I love you.

Yesterday in Relief Society our teacher posed an awesome question. She discussed the scripture about keeping one's eye single to the glory of God. She asked each of us to turn to our neighbor and discuss what that phrase meant for us personally in our life. One woman answered that for her it meant that with retiring soon she should be going on a mission... but she is too scared to go. But keeping her eye single, is accepting the next step she feels she is to make, which for her, is a mission. Another sister's eyes started to glisten as she said what having an eye single to His glory meant for her. She didn't elaborate because of time, but I gathered from the emotion that her eye single meant having patience in God's timing with having a family...

I always viewed that scripture as a blanket statement of putting God's will first/keeping Him in my main focus. BUT this inspired teacher pointed out that each of us in our own individual lives can reflect and thus discover what having an eye single means for us in whatever challenges we are facing.

Inspired question! Inspired teacher!

Happiness is the insight of a child.
I am grateful for Dad's tartar sauce, Mom's custard, and a couple that enjoys dancing together!