Thursday, October 10, 2013

"I am now paying better attention to what I am singing"

I could not post this back on 8.13.13, but this was a sweet thought from my friend Hill--and today, I feel it needs to be posted.
" little guy has been super sick the last few days- teething led to an eat[ing] infection which led to throwing up and diarrhea - poor kid. The only way I have gotten him to calm down is by singing to him. Whether rocking him or laying in my bed as long as I sing he stops. That's not the crazy part, it can't just be any song, it has to be hymns. It has been a really cool experience because I have to open the hymns app on my phone, which doesn't have the notes, just the words. To read/sing the hymns has had a huge impact on me because I have really paid attention to the words of the songs and what I am singing. Many times the words to songs I have sung in church all the time have brought me to tears because I am now paying better attention to what I am singing."
 I couldn't help but think after reading Hill's awesome experience... was the baby sick so mom would sing to soothe, or was the baby sick so mom could have closer moments with God--the venue being words in the hymns?! :)

 Reminds me of what Elder Bednar just said this past conference:
"...blessing that comes to us [this was in reference to paying tithing, but I think blessings that come from a mother who seeks to be good, kind, serve and bless her little ones the way God would have her do]... may be greater capacity to change our own circumstances [singing hymns to soothe a baby boy] rather than expecting our circumstances [always perfect, never sick child] to be changed by someone or something else."
What things am I feeling frustrated with or tired from--that are really just opportunities to have closer moments with my Heavenly Father?! Am I willing to invest/take such moments? I sure hope so! All things shall work together for our good...

Thanks Hill for sharing your moment!

Brightly beams our Father's mercy!

Happiness is a quote like this:
"The joyful news for anyone who desires to be rid of the consequences of past poor choices is that the Lord sees weaknesses differently than He does rebellion. Whereas the Lord warns that unrepented rebellion will bring punishment, when the Lord speaks of weaknesses, it is always with mercy." --Richard G. Scott

 Happiness is a brother and a sister who took the time to share their awesome 
insights from General Conference... they both inspired me to want to not only go back 
and dive in deeper, but caused my heart to rejoice with what personal revelation
they received! Thanks Muss and Chick! LOVED your insights!

I am grateful for His mercy and mothers who sing!