What things would you have today if that were the case?
So work brings about needing to check facebook nearly all day. Let's just say it is a curse and a blessing. Today it ended up being such a choice choice blessing, for Marcel commented on someone's post that had the title of this blog in it. "What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?"
Apparently this saying has been around for a long time because when I Googled the saying to find out who's quote it was, there were lots of folks that have quoted it. So sorry, have no clue who to give this brilliant quote to.
Sooo, without going into all the details... personally, this day was quite rough. The storm outside, bleak, dark, and dreary seemed to match the battle in my soul. A weakness was consuming my thoughts and heart. At one point during the morning I pleaded that there had to be some way to turn the switch in my body for I knew I was being irrational. I saw the words on Facebook, and was moved with the idea of gratitude that the quote is clearly stating.
I made this little sign to stick in the back of my phone.
"It is a good statement! I like it... I would [have woken] up and have nothing but my family, health, the atonement of Christ still effective in my life, and you! So I would still be happy!=) "Sam's text caught me completely off guard and was the "switch" I had been praying for. Tears fell onto my desk and I left for a more private place to pray.
I knelt down and asked God to forgive me. If I were really living today with only what I thanked God for yesterday--I am a bit ashamed to say I wouldn't have the atonement and I may not have the Savior for today. This statement and Sam's comments brought a profound change in me. And the weakness I had been struggling with seemed to be banded from my mind. Peace, determination, strength and comfort filled my soul and a desire to be more grateful every day for all I have was the promise and plea on my heart.
As I walked back to my desk I couldn't help but noticed that there was a significant change in the weather outside my window. The storm was still there, but the intensity of the darkness had been lightened. And although the sun could not be seen through the clouds and the storm was still ever present--there was more "light" to be had in the gloom. Others would say this is just chance, but I know this change in the weather, if not for others--was surely for me from God. It represented everything that had just happened inside me. My morning of dark, deep cold battle, to a change that lightened the mood even though the storm/battle was still in process.
With wet eyes I report that I had strength the rest of the day and didn't have to fight such a dark battle--for I had been given "light"! What a choice kindness from God Himself, through the means of some kind friends posting and texting... Gratitude. God had shared with me that I was lacking being thankful.
This evening, I pulled out my Book of Mormon to continue my reading challenge. Tonight was Alma 24. And at the chapter heading of this chapter, I had written next to the chapter heading, "How to gain perfection in this life". I don't remember when I wrote that comment on the so I was a little eager to dive into the pages and be reminded why I would write that. Four different times in four verses right at the front of the chapter it talks about how the people THANKED God. I smiled. Second witness from God. ...
What did God want me to know today?! --that being filled with gratitude is an eternal principle for the goal/path of salvation. It is an empowering principle. I can testify being filled with gratitude makes for a more joyous life too. Storms, even if they must stay, are not as "dark" when a grateful heart is present.
Two witnesses! Oh how patient is Heavenly Father. How thankful I am to Him and His Son.
All is well, the world in my life is sweet. Today was just a 2 Nephi chapter 4 morning and afternoon... Nephi's words I claim as my own, for they are exactly what my soul cried:
I am encompassed about, because of the temptations and the sins which do so easily beset me.God's love for me today came in the form of those words posted in Facebook, and a friend who shared what he thanked God for yesterday. I know in whom I have trusted.
And when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins; nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted.
My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep.
He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh.
Jesus is the Christ! And I, for one, am so THANKFUL for Him, today! And hope to remember to be thankful for Him always.