"And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together." John 4:36Now I must admit, at first I didn't think this seemed like the set up was fair. Why would anyone choose to be a sower over a reaper? Why would they rejoice together? Would one be jealous of the "work" the other was called to do? Why would a sower rejoice when a reaper got to "see" all the fruit/yielding of the sows work? A reaper must harvest and store/take care of the pickings. How profound the thoughts are of why both would rejoice together?
As I read these words last night, my mind was filled with beauitful logic..
If someone sows something, they have had to cultivated the soil/worked hard to prepare the earth for the seed: clearing weeds/grass/bushes/stumps, taking out the rocks. They would have to know the season and the time when the seed needed to be planted. After the seeds are planted, there is constant caring for the earth that holds that seed. Little by little, the seed may take start and grow. But the sower might not get to see the "fruit" for years to come. If they plant a peach tree from a seed, it will take some time to become a seedling, and then years for that seedling to become a young tree, then pruning, and finally years worth of time until the tree is mature enough to bare fruit. And often times the start of the fruit is just a few pieces on the tree. Not much to offer--all the young tree's energy goes to developing those few pieces of fruits. If that sower moves away or is taken down another path, often times that fruit will never be a reality for that sower who so tenderly planted and cared for the tree.
There is a time to reap. Pauly calls me over in the summer and tells me when the berries are on so I can come and pick them. There are times when I have reached deep into the bush of the raspberries and have found a beauitful ripe berry, next to a small, still growing green one, and even on the same vine I will find a handful of shriviled up dry ones. If one is a berry picker, for several weeks, in order to pick the berries at their prime moment, one would benefit from checking the vine morning and night. Reaping a garden is a constant effort. President Eyring talks about short havests and long harvests. Winter squash does not come into bloom in June, but takes all summer to develop and provide hearty squash that if kept somewhere cold and dark, can be stored up and enjoyed all winter. (I better stop here before I offend real gardeners with my lack of knowledge and before non-gardeners give me credit for being a "knowledgeable" gardener.) ! Uncle Paul and Marsh are the current garden growers in the family..! ;)
"...both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together." Doesn't say separately, but rejoicing together. I think I understand a portion of Christ's profound statement.
Adam, Noah, Abraham--all these wonderful prophets, who "sowed" seeds of truth--they all testified that Jesus Christ would come and would atone for all mankind. Nephi, and Lehi, Mosiah and Alma, also testified. Sowed seeds of faith. They, in physical earth life, yes through visions, but in their mortal life, like the sowers they were, were putting seeds into the hearts of men preparing them to believe on and in Jesus Christ. They were in the beginning dispensations of this earth life.
Christ is born, the law of Moses is fulfilled. Apostles and prophets on the earth. Truths rejected, seeds planted so long ago, remain dormant. Darkness, black abyss, no priesthood power on the earth... No way for people to receive the gift of the holy ghost. Beautiful light, Jospeh Smith, in the woods, two members of the God head seen and surely the third member ever present testifying to Joseph Smith's heart. Glorious light and truth. We have a father in Heaven, and He sent his son Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son--he sent Him to live, atone, die, and live again so that we might all live. The fullness of the gospel here on the earth.
Rejoice TOGETHER--!
Those sowers, who worked so long, who kept scroll, who etched on plates of gold, on plates of brass. Seeds planted, a hoped for, prayed for harvest to come in the souls of men. So many sowers, so much faith. Now a field of white. Berries, ripening. Fruit and vegetables can and DO mature--and there is a prime time for cultivating and harvesting. And once something is harvested/reaped, there must be time in preserving. Something left on the vine/branch/stem/dirt, kept as long as the root source can keep it, but if not reaped/harvested--will fall, will be eaten by bugs, will decay and wither. The Sowers truly have planted and have worked the ground work for a magnificent harvest! What better, choice nutrients given then the Bible and The Book of Mormon, prophets, apostles, priesthood, temples... etc! Never in the history of the earth has the ability to nourish sowed seeds been so great. Never has there been a great time for reapers.
I rejoice in those who sowed with never seeing. Who sowed with an eye of faith, keep that eye single to God's glory. For sowers, who so depend on reapers to do their part. And for reapers, who day by day check/search and seek out the ripe and ready. They pick, they harvest, and diligently prepare. When they see a "fruit" still in "ripening" process, they wait, they watch and tenderly look over, pray for the day when the fruit will be fully ripe, and if God is willing, pluck a sweet, choice fruit.
Oh the rejoicing--for the reaper needed(s) the sower and the sower needed(s) the reaper. And both.. "rejoice together".
My heart is full.
"Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.
"Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.
"And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together." John 4:34-36 (emphasis added.)
...What is your "meat"?...
Jesus is the Christ.