Last night, to bring the Sabbath to a close, I went to a Fireside put on my a ward in my stake. President and Sister Moss shared a little of their love story and then shared some beauitful truths. President Moss reminded us all of the story of the Children of Israel. They had hardened their hearts and so God had to straiten them because of iniquity. God sent "fiery flying serpent among them; and after they were bitten he prepared a way that they might be healed; and the labor which they had to perform was to look; and because of the simpleness of the way, or the easiness of it, there were many who perished." (
1 Nephi 17:41). President Moss then held up The Book of Mormon and submitted that he believed that it is what has been prepared for us. And all the labor which we have to do is look [read], BUT BECAUSE OF THE SIMPLENESS OF THE WAY, OR THE EASINESS OF IT, there are many who perish (choose to perish) because they will not read/open the book...!
Can it really be that simple? Fiery Flying Serpents: addictions, depression, sin, iniquity, pride, guilt, doubt, fear, etc--come and bite us in life... So god prepared something that if we "read"/apply--we might be healed?! The Book of Mormon? Can the answer be really that simple?
100% YES! Don't be fooled into thinking that it has to be something way more growling or hard. Aren't we told that the simpleness of the way or the easiness of it caused that people perished because it was just too simple and too easy. Isn't everything worth striving for should be hard?! The hard part about The Book of Mormon is having faith enough to "test it out" without an already predetermined opinion of what the book is or what it can do for ones life, and for some, maybe just making the time to pick it up daily and studying/reading it sincerely. Perhaps telling oneself, "I tried once before and never felt anything." Or "I have the bible it is enough."
I have a better relationship with my Heavenly Father
because of the principles found/applied from The Book of Mormon. I know better who Jesus Christ is, and what He did for me,
because of what I have found in The Book of Mormon. And my life HAS BEEN healed many times over,
because of God's words found in The Book of Mormon.
Can your life change that easily? Go from an okay life to a life filled with power and daily revelation/communion with God?! YES, IT CAN!! Is it really just as simple as starting to "look" into the pages of that book?! YES IT IS!! Can God help you start such a habit/see for yourself a change?! Yes HE CAN AND WILL! The right/REAL question is... WILL YOU ALLOW YOUR LIFE TO BE HEALED by trying the simpleness/easiness of the way HE has established, reading The Book of Mormon?!
Well that is a question. ...
The Book of Mormon has brought be closer to Jesus Christ! He is the master Healer! And anyone can just start, TODAY! It is really that simple and that easy!