The past few weeks represent a lot of wonderful blessings God has placed in my life. Jenny, Nykki, Nic, Becky and Krysti all have June birthdays. Five amazing people that God has given me. I love you all.
This picture just makes me laugh!
Dad stuffing the turkey.
If you don't know my dad, you should! You would find a man of integrity. A man who is constantly bettering his best. A man who honors the priesthood which he holds. He truly is a wonderful father, husband, and one of this girl's best friends. I love you Dad! Happy Father's Day!
I don't have words to express it, but to all those father's out there--my fabulous and almost perfect in this sister's eyes, brothers. To my Uncle Paul and all my uncles. To my friends whom I dearly love that have a spouse that honor their wives- Ben Larson, Richard Winget, Seth, Lester, Danny, Derek--just to name a few of the many men that God has placed as examples in my life. I love the families they love!
How thankful I am for a Father in Heaven who has allowed us to not only be physically created in His image, but that means we have also been created spiritually in His image with who and how He IS. I listened to a talk this weekend from Michael Wilcox where he shared that insight. What a beautiful truth! We are to become like the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. What lays in them, also lays within each of us.
What a sacred day. We ALL have a Father in Heaven-who loves us more than we can possibly understand/comprehend. Oh how I want to be like Him and His Son. How perfectly He loves. I am so grateful for his patience in my progress.
Happy Father's Day!