How to feel "young" as a 30 year old in just 3 seconds or less...OH BELIEVE ME, there is a way!
Just two weeks ago as I read the announcement at church about a single adult fireside I felt impressed I needed to go. I pulled up and thought it was odd that the place was not packed, but as I walked in my natural snow white skin turned a rosy pink ... the further I walked into the chapel the more I realized that I had been taking the word "young" in-front of the phrase Single Adults Fireside, for granted! I was the only one 20+ years younger than at least half of the room and for the rest of the room, maybe I was up to 30-40 years younger!
I contemplated backing out of the building as my face became crimson but I felt impressed, "no, stay." My thoughts as I went to the middle of the chapel to sit down were "Okay, Heavenly Father, just so you know these women are going to think I am here to steal their Men!..." To calm the blood filling my face cells I simply told myself, "It's okay, I will just pull the 'granddaughter' of the speaker card."
Seriously, who ever knew that the word young would be so pertinent to "single adult"! :) But even with my cherry face, (which I am sure the Lord and all His angels were having a good chuckle at my squeamish complexion) God was very much into the details of this inspiring night.
The fireside theme was:
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
A theme that I felt I could not walk out on, embarrassed at my long brown curls or not, I knew it was going to be good!
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A picture Grampy took while serving in Germany |
Brother Wolferts was born and raised in Germany. When he was 1 1/2 years old the his family went through their first bomb raid. His mother recalls how awful the sounds were. The dropping, the hitting, the detonation and the exploding. Their apartment was hit. The city was in flames. Brother Wolferts's parents rushed to a neighbors (cellar I believe) but only to find to their horror that it on fire. They had a choice, stay and hope to survive the fire or rush through the flames and take their chances with scenes outside. His mother and father took he and his twin brother- pressed them to their chests and covered them with their coats as they dahsed through the flames and onto the street. There were 47 others in that cellar. All of which were killed in the flames.
I believe he said that no one in their small branch had been killed that night, however all were scattered.
2nd bomb raid, in a different city. Another bomb hit their apartment and crashed through and landed in their neighbor's bed. The destination miraculously did not go off. (I believe it was at this time or before that Brother Wolferts's father was taken into the military to help fight the war.)
3rd bomb raid in a new place. His mother was in the city when she heard and saw the bombs. She only had time for a quick prayer. A man from out of no where came and grabbed (one or two) of the twins and told her to run for the hill. They hid in a dug out that had some type of wine barrels.
Refuges, with nothing, Brother Wolfert's family was staying in a new city that was invaded/taken over by the Russian solders. No one was allowed in or out of the city.
I believe after two weeks his Uncle, mother's brother, snuck in by night and told them they were going to sneak past the guards/line. A group that was warned before hand, tried sneaking before them. As Brother Wolfterts family crouched in the night they heard gun shots and shouting. All that tried to escape before them were killed. At this point Brother Wolferts (age 3 1/2 I believe) started to cry. His mother had witnessed once before a woman trying to shush her baby and ended up suffocating the baby to death, so his mother dare not cover his mouth. His twin brother joined in on the crying.
Brother Wolferts said even at that young age he can still remember the young Russian solder that found them and had the barrel of the gun pointed down at him. The solder started scouting and Brother Wolferts Uncle pleaded for their lives while handing over his wrist watch. And for a wrist watch, they were all spared. Shortly there after they were able to sneak away and escape.
Brother Wolferts, years later was called to be the Mission President where he grew up. He said so much heartache, and people not wanting to believe in God or give Him a chance because of the devastation that was seen/done to so many... but Brother Wolferts testified that there are three things that will lead one to have an unshakeable trust in the Lord.
1.) Have a richer understanding of God's plan of Happiness.He then asked:
2.) Have a better understanding of the principle of "opposition" and how it is in all things.
3.) Have a greater understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
How can we learn to trust if we don't overcome doubt? Christ healed the blind, not blindness.Out of his extensive library his most precious piece and the most value to him--is his mother's journal. She said (wish I had the exact quote) in essence:
I was surrounded by one giant fire ball, but I was at peace and felt, 'whatever will be will be'. The only thing I could do was pray that Heavenly Father would give me strength; and He did.Brother Wolferts ended his remarks with the reminder that it was not fun to be on the cross, but it was the joyous view of the victory that the Savior kept... and He who led a sinless life...led that life for sinners.
So many wonderful thoughts! This is two firesides I have mistaken to be for "young" single adults... but now I think I am going to have to start taking Grandma Ratcliffe with me! Then I will truly be there as a granddaughter and not as someone trying to steal the silver-greys! ;) ha ha
The following Monday I studied Elder Nash's amazing talk from GC... Soo good.. I was impressed with all the reminders on faith. And because of the giant fireball testimony from the night before, when Elder Nash quoted Doctrine and Covenants 27:17 and the shield of faith, I was deeply moved by what faith has to offer me..
...if used, I "shall" be able to quench "all" the fiery darts/giant fireballs. That is a pretty hefty promise.
This is what I decided my shield of faith would/should be made out of...
And obviously so many more things can be placed on there, but for starters.
God is amazing...
This morning, after a somewhat long late night, I arrived at the temple with a heavy heart. God knew the condition of my heart, for who should be there to greet me-- Sister Hyatt! She was subbing for Marva. We started chatting. And the questions she asked struck some chords and tears and annoying boogers were dripping. She was very inspired and I praised God for putting her on my path.
Then it was seeing Sister Mckown! She is in the MTC right now working at heading to Hong Kong. Didn't plan on running into her!
Then it was Anamea whom I visit teach, and a sweet Tongan sister that I have loved for years (we only know each other from seeing one another in the temple), and Berniel whom I served on a shift forever with, and as if God just wanted to see how many marshmallow blessings He could shove into my already full heart, as I was walking out the door, one of my old young woman, beautiful Jori, was walking into the temple! I did not get to go to her mission farewell talk yesterday and was bummed about that. But here she is headed off to the MTC Wed, and God let her cross my path just now. I haven't seen her in nearly a year.... and He did it just because He is kind like that.
Don't tell me God is not a God of miracles! I know He has all power. I know He can change my very nature. Jesus is His son, and my brother. ...And although the fireballs are allowed to sore and destroy the very air I breath; I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Happiness is making a real, dates included, commitment for progression/change-with/for God.
I am grateful for a cousin who took the time to write an email for a hurting friend.
Is my shield ready?