But that ye would humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering;These are great words to live by. I reminder that I want to become better than I was yesterday. Heavenly Father is so merciful with all of us. He wants us to be happy. The gospel is the gospel of hope. Praying and watching continually will help us to not be tempted about which we can bear. Going to church, saying our prayers and reading our scriptures helps us stay watchful and keeps our mind linked to god.
Having faith on the Lord; having a hope that ye shall receive eternal life; having the love of God always in your hearts, that ye may be lifted up at the last day and enter into his rest.
A girlfriend from work let me borrow a book of quotes she has kept. I don't have his name with me, so I appologize--but I will add it as soon as I know who said the quote, but the quote basically said that if we are members of the church in an average life time we will have partaken/participated in renewing our sacrement covenants over 3,000 times. That says to me that we have a merciful father in heaven who knows we are going to screw up at least 3,000 times or more. That tells me that one can't be reminded enough to keep moving forward, keep trying and to keep holding on. at least 3,000 times to renew our covenants, at least 3,000 times to start afresh again...just imagine if we were able to go to the temple once a month or a few times a month. if it is just twice a month that is 1,400 of God's children we are helping on the other side. 1,400 souls (because we can't start attending until we are 12) and who knows how many sets of missionaries that helped prepare them. Going a few times a month doesn't seem to be a lot, but when you look at a life time of doing it--the impact is significant. We are told by small and simple things, are great things brought to pass. Going to church and renewing our covenants weekly is such a small act--but an act that I believe Alma knew would change lives. Change lives enough to try to achieve all we are suppose to become in those two verses:
-humble ourselves before God
-call on his holy name
-watch and pray continually - so we won't be tempted above that which we can bare
-be led by the holy spirit
-full of love
-ALL long-suffering
-faith on the Lord
-a hope that we will have eternal life (hope we are going to make it!)
-love of god ALWAYS in our hearts
-be lifted up ta the last day
-enter into his rest
Oh I love that Alma said "becoming", not become. To become something is an end destination. If I have become skinny, I am skinny! ;) But becoming something--"becoming" is a process not a destination. I believe the decision of always becoming better then we are right now, will land us a destination entering (again "enter" is a process) into his rest. Alma did not say we will be "in" the rest of god, but "enter" into his rest. The partaking of the sacrement 3,000 times in a life time my math says starting at age eight and living to the age of 72, that is 64 years of partaking of the sacrement 48 times a year because 4 Sundays are gone for stake and general conference, that gives you over 3,328 times taking that sacrement. And that is if you are never sick or have to skip a Sunday! I HATE math and numbers, but boy, I sure get excited over this!
Just another reminder of how perfect God is and how far I am off, BUT that he is willing to work with me--a whole lot! At least 3,000 times a lot. Repetition, second chances, repentance--the ultimate phrase is the Atonement.
In case I don't have a chance to say Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas! Merry means = full of cheerfulness or gaiety; joyous in disposition or spirit. Christmas is the celbration of the birth of Jesus Christ. May we all be FULL of cheerfulness (my parents are such a good example to me on this) because JESUS was born, lived, died, and IS living for us. May we be, "Joyous in Christ". And with 3,000 chances at least-how can one not be joyous at that!?!
Merry Christmas.
ps. Thanks to little Mia for being so amazingly cute!