Mom called me the other day to share a miracle. She said she was doing a load of dark laundry. After the clothes had all been put into the water she had the impression to check her pockets. Wanting to be obedient to the prompting she pulled out each fully soaked piece of clothing and looked through the pockets. All she found was a hotel room key. Satisfied that she had followed the prompting she left the clothes to be washed.
After the load was finished she put the clothes in the dryer. When the dryer ended she opened the door and pulled out the first garment. She found 2 pieces of lint (of what you would get when you wash a tissue). An "Oh no!" filled her mind. She must have not found a hidden tissue in one of the pockets. She was not excited for the mess of a washed tissue.
To her surprise she finished pulling all the laundry out of the dryer only to find her clothing was all in good order--no more lint to be found anywhere. She figured she didn't wash a tissue and the two white pieces she had found were left over from another load.
She pulled out the lint screen to find it was completely CAKED on with tissue. At least a good 1/2 inch thickness across the whole screen. For anyone who does laundry--you know the time waster it is when you find you have washed a tissue because another load and 8 lint roller brush papers later you finally have your clothes back to normal. As she pulled off the heavy amount of lint the scripture came to her mind- "...after all we can do."
She received a prompting to check her pockets. She did, every one- but found nothing. She did all she could do. And instead of getting a batch of laundry back looking like my pants above, she only had 2 pieces of lint and a lint screen chuck full of tissue. The Lord took care of what she couldn't do...
Now I know what someone is thinking. "Does the Lord really care about tissue in a pocket? Would he preform a miracle on wet tissue?" Well this much I do know.
-My mom had an impression and followed it. She did go through ever piece of clothing. She pulled them out of the water each one and checked the pockets. She only found a plastic card.
-I can testify of what a batch looks like when you wash a tissue! Look at above! That was only one article of clothing from a batch that looked all the same--"snowville". I pulled out my laundry quite annoyed with the mess and the time it would take to correct the mess.
-I know that God cares about my mom.
-She had I am sure prayed like she had every day asking to accomplish what needed to get done.
-Had the tissue not been miraculously collected she would have spent a lot of time (a lot being another hour re-doing a load but on a fully scheduled day and hour can be killer!)
-As soon as she pulled out the lint catcher and saw the matted thickness of tissue the end of a scripture popped into her head...
2 Nephi 25:23
For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.
She did all she could do! And because of that, God preformed a miracle in the dryer! She and I both believe that she was permitted to see the 2 pieces of white tissue on a pair of pants just so she would know the the magnitude of the miracle preformed.
So come on Bryndi! It is just Tissue gathered in a lint screen... Right?! If the Lord in His mercy will help my mom with a load of laundry then surely he will help with greater things. And He does! I have had many impressions since this experience with remembering that I do my very best-all I can do and the Lord will make up the rest. Doesn't mean we aren't going to have days of wet tissue all over our dark clothes. Believe me--I have done a few batches in the last couple weeks that have left me frustrated and annoyed with the extra time wasted for my carelessness of not checking all my pockets.
I am not going to do all the math of this beautiful miracle. If God will collect all the tissue in a dryer-then surely he will sustain you in your Goliath, however big or small.
I will leave with this. I know that God lives and loves us. There is not anything that stops us from having miracles daily--except ourselves. In my life I have witnessed/shared in the miracle of unseen angels, complete direction in a moment of loss, peace in the darkest of abysses, life given back-physically and spiritually, 180 degree change in attitude, hearts softened, anger hushed, kindness instead of sarcasm, mercy and love, instant healing, comfort over pain, strength in a struggle, triumph over sorrow, faith over fear, love over hate, forgiveness instead of harsh grudges, softness instead of hardness, holding of the tongue, the quietness of wet cheeks in a moment of faith, addictions conquered, enduring instead of stopping... these are just to name a few.
Christ is the reason for the season... ALL SEASONS OF LIFE! Cold ones, wet ones, hot ones, spring filled ones. Is it no wonder that we all love spring, and yet it only lasts for a few short weeks. But yet it is worth going through a long cold winter just because we know we will get and see spring!
This picture below is very symbolic to me. It was the first Christmas home from after the mission. It was taken at Nyk's (my sister) bridal shower. Taylee and I are placed right in front of Krysti's beautiful Christmas tree.
I was just walking by the manger scene headed to be with the party when I looked at the small baby Jesus laying before "the world". In an instant my heart heart got it. I was flooded with the thought that because of that infant, laid in a manger, choirs of angels sang, shepherds came and wise men searched. Because of that infant, sins can be forgiven and kindness can trump ugliness. Because of an infant worlds with out end have a reason to rejoice. There is hope. Like the sun in the sky giving light in a dark dreary place, the Savior the son of our Heavenly Father, gives life unto every darkened dreary soul. He illuminates darkness. Melts away cold. He brightens hope, He conquers fears. A King of King, a literal Prince of peace. --- all this from walking by Kiss's manger scene. I never got nor liked manger scenes before this moment. I now, can't look at a manger scene without reflecting and praising.
Jesus is the Christ. As Moses was a "type" of Him--Jesus came to set His people free!
Onward and Upward!