I was privilege to attend a fireside a week ago with my folks. I admit, as I walked into the room, I felt a bit out of place---as there were very VERY few people with any color left in their heads of hair. This is not a bad thing! My own folks will tell you they have earned every grey hair they have. (I know, I am one of their six, and I can tell you I helped them earn them!) But with the chapel pretty full, I felt a bit out of place to be among the handful under 55/60+.
Amazing how our thoughts can change. No more than 10 mins into the meeting, I started contemplating all the wonderful truths I was hearing and how I wished all my friends could be with me in the meeting to hear what I was hearing and to feel what I was feeling. :)
President Ed Pinegar and his lovely wife were the speakers at this fireside. He was just released as the Manti Temple President. And back in 1994, Sister Pinegar was the General Primary President.
He then touched on the idea of having eyes to see and having ears to hear. He shared a sacred moment in the temple. He sat in the Celestial Room and the primary song of a "Child's Prayer" came to his mind. He thought for himself, "Heavenly Father, are you really there?" The answer came as he heard the words in his mind, "Ed, my son, I am always here." Pres. Pinegar then testified that he did not see, nor did he need to see... as he shared this sacred experience, the room was filled with the sweetest spirit.
I know that God, our Father lives. I know He answers prayers. Pres. Pinegar shared that all the knowledge of learning about Heavenly Father over his whole mortal life-- doesn't even equal a 10% of what he has learned and come to know of Him in the last four years. (!) I don't know how old he is, but he is older for sure. What a beauitful insight. His comments about our Heavenly Father were tender, and beautiful and I left the meeting with desires to strengthen my relationship and understanding of God, the Father.
Why did God allow me to enjoy such an evening? Good question. But I am not complaining!
I am grateful for Sunday moments to exercise agency of
where and what I spend my time and energy on.