...The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:
Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.
(And yes I know this is NOT a mustard seed, but I took this shot on a 4-wheeling ride up the canyon and it was beauitful--at least you get the idea = tree in a field. :D ! )I must admit, I read these verses, thought a second on them, and kept on reading. When I read through Mark's account, and jumped back over to Matt, I was a little bummed with how non-insightful--or better, non-exciting, those verses had been. (They are common verses quoted.) I caught the wrongness of my thinking and decided to read them again. For surely the Lord has treasure in all of his words to be found. Sometimes one just must seek for it.
The field, my life/my earth life, is vast and has a huge spans of opportunity laid before me. I can "fill/sow" my field with whatever seeds I want.
The gospel of Jesus Christ can seem like a very small seed "the least of all seeds" (Matt 13:32) compared to the vast field before me. So many other seeds to plant. Entertainment, wealth, pleasure seeds to enjoy. So many things to occupy my field because the temptation is to think it is the "least" of my attention.
"But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs, and shooteth out great branches; so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it." (Mark 4:34)What seems seemingly small and insignificant, ends up being the greatest of all things!
I must choose to sow/plant that "least of all seeds" and when I do--with proper care--it will become the GREATEST THING in my field! For it "becometh greater than all".
Do these scriptures just not ring out with where my focus and desires should really be?!
The spirit poured into me as I thought of the possibilities, the joy for deciding to have such a seed/tree occupy ones field.
A field is: an expanse of open or cleared ground, especially a piece of land suitable or used for pasture or tillage (dictionary.com). Open, cleared grown... SUITABLE for pasture or tillage. I get to choose what seeds I fill my field with...!
May I not pass off the "least of all seeds" to be the "lease in my life". For if it is planted and cared for, it will become the center/gathering place/the greatest thing in my field.
Matthew 13:44
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.
Matthew 13:33
...The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.
(Thanks Jess for the the bread pic!)My mind replaced leaven with "the gospel" and later, with the words "Jesus Christ" but the word "leaven" can be replaced with any gospel word...
The woman took the gospel and hid it in three measures of meal. Can you imagine if you took yeast/leaven and just hid it in the corner of your "meal" - your loaves would look pretty sad and not great like the ones above. But if you hide the yeast=mix it throughout all the meal, the meal becomes whole and raised up. Ex: When you mix salt in with flour, if the salt is hid throughout the whole mixture, you will not be able to separate the flour from the salt nor see the areas that just show salt, because it has now become "part" of the flour.
If I then, take the gospel and mix it into every part of my "life=meal"--EVERY PART OF MY LIFE WILL BE WHOLE! Every part of my life will be "raised up"/ "filled" / "expanded".
So is the principle true if I take Jesus Christ, and mix him into all ares of my life, my daily thoughts, actions, words, deeds, desires-- my daily life will be filled. My daily life will be whole! That isn't to say that someone or something comes in my "whole" day and does some punching down...but yeast/Gospel/Christ can help us rise again.
Temptation and trials are all part of this earth life, but the secret to being made whole--is to mix in the gospel/Jesus Christ into every part of life. That the greatest thing that could possibly be in my field, may seem like the "least" of my focus or attentions--but really it should be my greatest focus because it will become the greatest of all things and is/will bring joy!
I was so excited after being filled with these already "duh" truths, but deep truths/personal revelation for me personally on what I should have in my field and mixed through my "meal".
I ran to Patti's office to make her have a "devotional" at 9pm last night. One, I love sharing things with my folks and Patti, but two, the selfish side of me thought that if I could just share with someone what I had just been given--I wouldn't have to spend the time blogging about it! ;) Looks like God had other plans! ha ha. I felt like I wanted to shout it from the rooftops.
May I not forsake what might seem like a "least" of my earth life functions/choice nor hide it in just a portion of my meal... but rather when mixed in fully/planted truly will become the greatest thing to make me whole and to bring me/make me joy!
As a side note, I have been deeply overcome with gratitude for those I get to associate with and work with. We are all pulling crazy hours for Reunion and no job is less needed then the others. But I must say that those I work with are incredible! Women and men with integrity, good hearts, positive natures...!
Here are Don, Lynda and Marin slaving over the magazine edits.
Yesterday I left their parking lot with the truck filled with 14+ big boxes for things for next week. Literally almost two months worth of ideas, designs and production in the back of the truck.
I called into Cort and asked her to open the shipping doc so I could unload the truck. Normally I would round up guys to help unload heavy boxes, but we all have been working tirelessly for our big event and I didn't want to stop anyone's work flow. So I backed the truck in and started throwing the boxes (yes throwing because they were too heavy to want to hold for long periods of time and yes I am somewhat of a wimp! ;)) onto the landing doc. I had no more than three boxes on there when I see Xavier leaping onto the truck at the same time asking me what I was doing by myself!
He scolded me a bit, but lovingly/selflessly helped me get the boxes on the dock. Xavier and I have been friends for several years now and he has a wonderful wife and great family. He is a devoted man to Jesus Christ. His action, (and I kid you not when I say everyone at work has full plates right now) was so kind to come and help.
I know that not all work environments are like this and I know that I am very blessed to get to work with good people! I just want the world to know that I KNOW I am blessed with amazing co-workers! And a Boss/President who leads our company with bended knee to God and a listening heart. Oh I just love my team! I love working with people who serve/love so freely. It is refreshing! It is contagious. Good hearts!