Thursday, December 29, 2011


So this picture is a bit silly--and it is missing Kiss, Tay, Nyk and Cars and the kiddos--but there is a LOT of love here!! The holidays were wonderful! Perhaps I can post some thoughts a little later on that. I LOVED having Christmas on Sunday this year. I would opt for doing it on Sunday every year for surely the spirit of the day was enhanced by attending and singing the songs that celebrate Christ's birth and life here on earth. It was magical.

Yesterday I was back studying in the gospels and was impressed by the story of the man that brings his son to Christ for healing. (Matt 17, Mark 9, Luke 9.) The Father comes kneeling (Matt 17:14) before the Savior. I know there are LOTS of applications with this story. Beautiful ones... but the one that I was impressed with as I read last night--was the struggle BEFORE the deliverance/relief.

In Mark's version: "And they brought him [the guy's son] unto him: and when he saw him, straightway the spirit tare him; and he fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming." And Luke says: "And as he was yet a coming the devil threw him down, and tare him."

WELL ISN'T THAT THE TRUTH!! When I can see the "light" at the end of the tunnel, or I am on the path of coming to the Savior/willing to give up a weakness, addiction, a whatever-- "AS" I am yet coming... the devil and/or my natural man has a hay day and throws me down and tries to have one last attempt at taring me down. At breaking me so that I will not finish my journey/Commitment to Christ.

My great home teacher shared with me that his Mission President told him that the toughest struggles for someone will come right before their mission and right before getting married. Because so much good can come out of both decisions, why wouldn't Satan try his hardest to distract, tempt, lead away, discourage, beat down on the soul who is trying to make such a step?! Satan is no dummy. But either is our God!!

In Mark 8, the story of a blind man is shared. The blind man was brought to the Savior... and then an interesting thing happens. Christ who can do anything, "took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town;". Christ did not heal him right there in the city. And perhaps there it was too dangerous for him to heal in the city, so he took him out to be away from vultures who would try even harder to end his ministry... but the concept is beauitful. Christ HAD the power to do it then and there--but chose to lead him by the hand to a different place BEFORE healing him. There are times in my own life, where I know I can be healed, and I am at the feet of the Savior--but in HIS wisdom and Mercy and his perfect understanding which I usually don't comprehend or see--I am led on a journey to where I can be healed. Even if my healing comes in the form of just having my heart more concrete to Him--even if my infirmity/struggle is not taken away... my resolve and determination can be fortified and strengthened. Sometimes the burden is not taken off the back, but "The Lord shapes the back to bear the burden placed upon it." -- President Thomas S. Monson.

Christ can take us by the hand and even with our "blindness" lead us along to the place where he can heal us... whatever "healing" he has in store... not our will, but Heavenly Father's will be done...  

So many applications for life! As we turn to the Savior, as others help bring us to him, or we choose to head towards him ourselves--SATAN WILL NOT LET US GO WITHOUT A FIGHT! Seeing Christ enter into our life (meaning, us making the steps to come to him) Satan will be ticked off and will try to "tare" us and push us to the ground and have us wallow in the foam of discouragement, of frustration, the foam of bitterness, of doubt, or resentment or of pride. BUT the Savior can take us by the hand, even in our "blinded" state, and although he might not choose to heal us in the current area of our life, he will lead us to the place where he sees best to provide the opportunities to help us see what he would have us see.

So if you are on your path to the Savior, determined to hand over something that is not so GodLike in your life--be prepared that Satan is not going to let you go without a fight!!!  BUT FIGHT YOU MUST--FOR CHRIST WILL TAKE YOUR HAND AND LEAD YOU ON YOUR PATH TO GREATER HAPPINESS, DEEPER CONVICTION, AND MORE FAITH AND TRUST IN GOD'S PLAN FOR YOU... FOR ME!